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Face, Nose, Ear and Eye


Allergic rhinitis is seasonal or persistent itching, sneezing, running nose, nasal congestion, and sometimes itchy eyes, caused by exposure to pollens or other allergens.


Acupuncture is used for hay fever to regulate nasal mucosa and lacrimal glands, and relieve symptoms.  

Treatment protocol

Patients with moderate condition are recommended to have 4 treatments over 2 weeks. Another 2 to 4 treatments may be required in more severe cases.


Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. The specific technique with strong stimulation may be used. Local anaesthesia can be offered, but the injection fo anaesthesia agent may cause more discomfortable compared to needling.


Atrophic rhinitis is a condition characterized by nasal mucosa wasting. The underlying cause for the condition is usually unknown. Patient’s common complaints including the formation of large crusts, bleeding and offensive smell.


if you are diagnosed with atrophic rhinitis by your doctor, you may ask your doctor if you can have acupuncture treatment. if they answer yes, you may come to us, otherwise please seek other treatment . 

Treatment objects and protocol

The aim of treatment is to provide significant and sustainable relief. Complete resolution of the condition may be expected in some patients.  The 1st stage of treatment is 6 sessions, which is delivered over 3-4 weeks. The further stages of treatment depend on responses. 


Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. The specific technique with strong stimulation may be used. 



Non-allergic/Vasomotor rhinitis involves chronic sneezing or a congested, drippy nose with no apparent cause. The symptoms are similar to those of hay fever (allergic rhinitis), but none of the usual evidence of an allergic reaction is present.


Treatment objects and protocol

The goal is to achieve long term remission of rhinitis by acupuncture. The initial treatment cycle is 6 sessions, which are delivered over 3-4 weeks. Most patients have significant relief after the first treatment.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses on the forehead and cheek. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, bacteria can grow and cause an infection. Patients with sinusitis often present with headache, excessive nasal discharge and poor nasal ventilation. Sinusitis is often complicated with rhinitis, I.e. inflammation of the lining of nose. Sinusitis can be classified as acute and chronic according to the the course of the disease.

Treatment options

Acute sinusitis usually improves or resolves over a few weeks with the help of antibiotics. Chronic sinusitis can last for months or years. Treatments for chronic sinusitis include nasal steroid spray, sinus wash, long-term antibiotics and surgery. Spray, wash and antibiotics do not improve sinus drainage, and they are used to contain the infection. Surgery can effectively open sinus drainage, however it involves surgical risks and recurrence (35-70%)%


Our acupuncture treatment specifically aims the inflammation of the mucosa of sinuses. By direct stimulation of the sphenopalatine nerve ganglion (SGP) on the face, the inflammation of sinuses settled down quickly and most importantly, the drainage of sinuses improves significantly. Clinical research showed over 30% improvement in ventilation.

Treatment objects and protocol

The goal is to achieve provide long term remission of sinusitis and to avoid surgery. The initial treatment cycle is 6 sessions, which is delivered over 3-4 weeks. Most patients have significant relief after the first treatment, especially sinus headache.


[1] Calus, L., Van Bruaene, N., Bosteels, C. et al. Twelve-year follow-up study after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis. Clin Transl Allergy 9, 30 (2019) doi:10.1186/s13601-019-0269-4

[2] Wang, K., Chen, L., Wang, Y. et al. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Acupuncture Improves Nasal Ventilation and Modulates Autonomic Nervous Activity in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized Controlled Study. Sci Rep 6, 29947 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep29947


The eustachian tube connects the middle ear (the part behind the eardrum) and the throat. The eustachian tube may be blocked due to varies reasons, including infection and allergy. Symptoms include blocking feeling, water shifting sensation and pain.

Glue ear in adults is a common complication of eustachian tube dysfunction, characterized by collection of fluid behind the eardrum.


if you are diagnosed with glue ear by your doctor, you may ask your doctor if you can have acupuncture treatment. if they answer yes, you may come to us, otherwise please seek other treatment . 


Treatment objects and protocol

The aim of treatment is the complete resolution of glue ear after 4-6 treatments. The initial 2 treatments will be performed within 1 week. The rest of the treatments will be performed weekly.


Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. The specific technique with strong stimulation may be used. Local anaesthesia can be offered, but the injection fo anaesthesia agent may cause more discomfort compared to needling.


Tinnitus, especially persistent tinnitus, is an annoying condition. The common causes include exposure to loud noises, aging (presbycusis), middle ear infection and ototoxic medications.

Treatment options

There is not any well-established method to diminish the ring itself.  


if you are diagnosed with tinitus by your doctor, you may ask your doctor if you can have acupuncture treatment. if they answer yes, refer you to acupuncturist, please come to us, otherwise please seek other treatment . because there are many possible causes of tinnitus. 

Treatment objects

Objects vary in different underlying causes. In aging-related tinnitus, the complete disappearance of tinnitus is difficult to achieve. The experience with ototoxic drug-related tinnitus and hearing loss is lacking, and the outcome is difficult to predict.

Treatment protocol

The protocol to have 8 treatments in 4 weeks. Patients are recommended to have hearing tests and wax removal before the start of treatment.


Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. Patients experience pain less than intra-muscular injection and blood tests. However, patients may experience acupuncture-specific sensation, De Qi, which might feel like vague tingling and lasts seconds.
N.B. In patients with middle ear conditions, a technique with strong stimulation may be used. 


The eustachian tube connects the middle ear (the part behind the eardrum) and the throat. The eustachian tube may be blocked due to varies reasons, including infection and allergy. Symptoms include blocking feeling, water shifting sensation and pain.
Glue ear in adults is a common complication of eustachian tube dysfunction, characterized by collection of fluid behind the eardrum.


if you are diagnosed with Eustachian tube dysfunction by your doctor, you may ask your doctor if you can have acupuncture treatment. if they answer yes, you may come to us, otherwise please seek other treatment .  .

Treatment objects and protocol

The aim of treatment is the complete resolution of glue ear after 4-6 treatments. The initial 2 treatments will be performed within 1 week. The rest of the treatments will be performed weekly.


Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. The specific technique with strong stimulation may be used. 


The disorder is most often idiopathic or associated with older age but can also be caused by connective tissue diseases (eg, Sjögren syndrome, RA, SLE). Patients may experience either inadequate tear volume or excessive volume of poor quality tears. The loss of tear film can cause corneal injury.

Treatment options

Artificial tears are used in both types of dry eyes.


if you are diagnosed with dry eye syndrome by your doctor, you may ask your doctor if you can have acupuncture treatment. if they answer yes, you may come to us, otherwise please seek other treatment

Treatment objects

In patients with mild to moderate age-related dry eyes, the aim is to restore normal tear secretion and minimize the irritation. Significant improvement is expected in severe cases, even with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The effectiveness on autoimmune condition related dry eyes partially depends on the control of the underlying conditions. Patients with well-controlled autoimmune disease, dry eyes are likely to improve significantly.

Treatment protocol

Mild to moderate age-related: 4 sessions over 2-4 weeks Severe and autoimmune-related: 6 or 8 sessions over 6 weeks. Patients may need maintenance treatments fortnightly or monthly after initial improvement.


Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. The specific technique with strong stimulation may be used. 


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a condition affecting the macular region of the retina. The exact mechanism is still unknown. The majority of AMD are dry, i.e. with no neo- vascular formation. Patients with AMD usually suffer visual impairment.

Treatment options

Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment available.


if you are diagnosed with AMD by your doctor, you may ask your doctor if you can have acupuncture treatment. if they answer yes, you may come to us, otherwise please seek other treatment

Inclusion criteria (UPDATED)

> Dry AMD diagnosed by ophthalmologists

> Independent mobility

Exclusion criteria

> Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy

> Current or past Anti-VEGF treatment

> Severe dementia



Facial nerve palsy is characterized by the loss of function of one side of facial muscles. The underlying cause can be a viral infection or autoimmune.

Treatment options

In idiopathy facial nerve palsy, a short course of steroid is mainstream management. Antiviral medications are also used. However, the evidence for both methods is controversial. Fortunately, many cases make a complete recovery within 6-12 weeks. However, there are some patients who suffer chronic facial muscle paralysis.


Acupuncture has been used in various nervous system conditions, including facial nerve palsy. The effect is promising.

Treatment objective

The objectives are different at different stages. We aim complete or near-complete recovery at the early stage (2 weeks to 3 months). Near-complete recovery is still achievable at the stage between 3 and 6 months. At the chronic stage i.e. over 6 months, any recovery is challenging. 

Tolerability and risk

Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. Patients experience pain less than intramuscular injection and blood tests. However, patients may experience acupuncture-specific sensation, De Qi, which might feel like vague tingling and lasts seconds.

N.B. In some patients, a technique with strong stimulation may be used.